
October 31, 2012

St. Regis, Tianjin Presidential Suite

Tianjin is a metropolis in northern China and one of the five national central cities of the People's Republic of China.

Tianjn je metropola u severnom delu Kine, i jedan od pet nacionalnih centralnih gradova u Narodnoj Republici Kini.

The Presidential Suite of St Regis promises to reflect the best the hotel has to offer to its esteemed guests. The hotel has already created a record of sorts as it is the only hotel in Tianjin to offer full butler service. This has revolutionized the way hotels work in the country.

Predsednički apartman "St Regis" predstavlja sve ono najbolje što jedan luksuzni hotel ima da ponudi svojim uvaženim gostima. Hotel je već ostvario rekord jer je jedini hotel u Tianjinu koji pruža kompletnu "Batler" uslugu . To je revolucija u načinu na koji rade hoteli u zemlji.

October 22, 2012

Branded Kids 2012/13 Fall/Winter Collections

High designer fashion isn’t just for adults anymore. Many top fashion houses today are offering distinctive children’s lines. If your kids are stylish, check out these latest designers fashions for the young one’s…

Visoka moda dizajnera nije više samo za odrasle . Mnoge top modne kuće danas nude linije za decu. Ako želite da vaša deca butu stilizovana i obučena po posdlenjim modnim trendovima , pogledajte šta ove jeseni predlažu svetski modni dizajneri ...

Dolce-Gabbana-Bambino girls

October 18, 2012

Branded Luxury Accessories

Los Angeles-based artist Andrew Lewicki designed a decadent breakfast machine that embosses waffles with the iconic LV logo. But unfortunately the actual contraption isn't in production.

Check out Lewicki's Louis Vuitton waffle maker. Would you buy it?

October 17, 2012

Roberto Cavalli home collection

"My Home Collection was born from my personal desire to share the optimism of my fashion with those who love me - says Roberto Cavalli -  from my creativity, my philosophy and my style in the world of home decoration. There is no difference between conceiving a fashion collection or a home collection. My lifestyle is always an encounter of passions".

" Moja kolekcija za kuću rođena je iz moje lične želje da podelim svoj optimizam prema modi sa onima koji me vole, rekao je Roberto Kavali - moja kreativnost, moja filozofija i moj stil u svetu dizajna enterijera.Nema razlike u koncipiranju modne kolekcije i kolekcije za dekoraciju enterijera. Moj životni stil je uvek sukob strasti."

Choosing Color for Furniture and Accessories

Color coordinating stands as one of the most challenging aspects of home decorating. Take time to look through books and websites on interior decorating and reflect on homes that impress you. Though it may seem daunting, learning to coordinate the colors of walls, carpet and furniture for the home comes down to following the same guidelines that designers and decorators use to create effective color schemes.

Koordinacija boja je jedan od najizazovnijih aspekata u dekorisanju životnog prostora. Odvojte vreme da pogledate kroz razne časopise i sajtove o uredjenju enterijera  i razmišljajte o kućama i stanovima koja vas impresioniraju. Iako to može da izgleda zastrašujuće, učenje o bojama  zidova, tepiha i nameštaja za dom svodi na  iste smernice koje dizajneri i dekorateri koriste za stvaranje efikasne šeme boja. 

October 15, 2012

The new Bentley Suite – St. Regis Hotel New York

Starwood, owners of New York’s St. Regis Hotel, located right in the heart of Manhattan, have collaborated with Bentley to open up, provide and design a Bentley Suiteto anyone who can afford it.

Starvud, vlasnici njujorškog St Regis hotela, smeštenog u samom srcu Menhetna, sarađivali su sa Bentli kompanijom na otvaranju  i dizajnu Bentlei Apartmana namenjenog svakome ko može da ga priušti.

October 13, 2012

The perfection of Baccarat

Many of you are aware of places designed by big names to hype them up, and the Baccarat Cristal Room, decorated by French design demi-god Philippe Starck is certanly one of them.

The building is 3000m² entirely conceived/relooked by Philippe Starck, design genius (for me), pompous and overhyped for others. The décor is typical Starck, a mix of quirky down-to-earth (exposed brick, sickly pink cushions, blackboard with graffiti) and opulent. Aldo Philippe Starck preserved the original design, he also added his signature modern touches.

October 12, 2012

Black is Back | DKNY's Sophisticated Bedding Collections

When it comes to home décor, color sometimes makes all the difference between a boring space and something lively and exciting. Instead of opting for the usual calming cream colors and soft blues for your bedroom, why not take a chance and decorate your bed in a dangerous black? DYNK's new Harmony and City Silk Bedding Collections reflect a sleek fashion statement using modern textures, like the diamond stitch pattern.

Kada je u pitanju kućni dekor, izbor boja ponekad čini razliku između dosadnog prostora i nečeg živog i uzbudljivog. Umesto da se opredelite za uobičajene umirujuce krem boje  za vašu spavaću sobu, zašto ne iskoristite priliku i ukrasite svoj krevet u opasnom crnom? DINK novi "Harmonija i Grad" kolekcije Svilenih Posteljina  odražavaju elegantan modni stil koristeći moderne teksture, poput obrazca dijamanata.

October 10, 2012

Monastery Turned Luxury Hotel on the Amalfi Coast | Monastero Santa Rosa

When you think of a monastery turned into a hotel, you might think Spartan rooms with nothing on the walls, hard mattresses, and cold floors—basically the last place you’d want to be unless you’re a bargain-hunting backpacker. But lately, the trend is to convert these historic properties into luxury hotels that are anything but Spartan.

Kada zamišljate o manastir pretvoren u hotel, možda zamišljate spartanske sobe sa praznim zidovima, tvrdim dušecima, i hladnim podovima, u suštini poslednje mesto na kojem bi želeli da budete, osim ako putujete sa rancem na leđima i tražite jeftina prenoćišta. Ali u poslednje vreme, trend je da se ove istorijske osobine kombinuju sa luksuznim hotelima koji su sve samo ne Spartanske.

October 6, 2012

The World's Most Expensive Perfume

The Worlds Most Expensive Perfume. Created without reference to cost to contain the most rare and precious natural ingredients.

Najskuplji parfem na svetu. Napravljen od najređih i najdragocenijih prirodnih sastojaka.