
October 17, 2012

Choosing Color for Furniture and Accessories

Color coordinating stands as one of the most challenging aspects of home decorating. Take time to look through books and websites on interior decorating and reflect on homes that impress you. Though it may seem daunting, learning to coordinate the colors of walls, carpet and furniture for the home comes down to following the same guidelines that designers and decorators use to create effective color schemes.

Koordinacija boja je jedan od najizazovnijih aspekata u dekorisanju životnog prostora. Odvojte vreme da pogledate kroz razne časopise i sajtove o uredjenju enterijera  i razmišljajte o kućama i stanovima koja vas impresioniraju. Iako to može da izgleda zastrašujuće, učenje o bojama  zidova, tepiha i nameštaja za dom svodi na  iste smernice koje dizajneri i dekorateri koriste za stvaranje efikasne šeme boja. 


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