
October 15, 2012

The new Bentley Suite – St. Regis Hotel New York

Starwood, owners of New York’s St. Regis Hotel, located right in the heart of Manhattan, have collaborated with Bentley to open up, provide and design a Bentley Suiteto anyone who can afford it.

Starvud, vlasnici njujorškog St Regis hotela, smeštenog u samom srcu Menhetna, sarađivali su sa Bentli kompanijom na otvaranju  i dizajnu Bentlei Apartmana namenjenog svakome ko može da ga priušti.

Designed following a Bentley scheme, this 1,700 square feet suite located on the 15th floor boasts with ceiling high windows, exquisite craftsmanship, luxury and elegance, all qualities of the two famous brands. It can easily accommodate two adults or even a family of four, with spaces that provide an expansive dining room, living room, one bedroom, an entryway foyer and one and a half bathrooms.

Dizajniran po Bentli šemi, ovaj apartman od 1.700 kvadratnih metara  nalazi na 15. spratu hotela i ima  sve kvalitete poznatih brendova. Lako može da primi dve odrasle osobe ili čak četvoročlanu porodicu, sa prostorom koji obezbeđuju veliku trpezariju, dnevnu sobu, jednu spavaću sobu, jedan ulazni foaje i jedno i po kupatilo.

The touch of the British manufacturer of luxury cars Bentley Motors is obvious pretty much everywhere. The suite is garnished with their traditional rich wood finishes on the hand manufactured furnishing, a Bentley leather wall, diamond quilted and linen colored, a sleigh bade crafted from burled wood, a signature of Bentley, metallic silver mirror, black leather tile floor and gorgeous blends of cream and neutral tones. Alongside all these, furnishing reminding of the Art Deco style and a plethora of artifacts and images, reminiscent of the classic racing period of Bentley in the ’20s and ’30s, tag along.

Dodir britanskog proizvođača luksuznih automobila Bentli Motors je očigledan prilično svuda. Apartman je začinjen sa njihovim tradicionalnim bogatim drvetom završi na ručno proizvedenom nameštaju, Bentli kožni zid, prošiven dijamantima i posteljina u boji, metalik srebrno ogledalo, crne kožne podne pločice  i prelepe mešavine krem boje i neutralnih tonova. Pored svih ovih, opremanje podseća na Art deko stil i mnoštvo artefakata i slika, koje podsećaju na klasične trkačke periode Bentli '20s i 30-ih godina.

It won’t come cheap though! One night spent in New York’s St. Regis’ Bentley Suite will draw you back $9,500. Sadly, the suite has already been booked until the end of 2012.

Apartman nije jeftin! Jedna noći provedena u njujorškom Regis "Bentli Suite će vas koštati $ 9.500. Nažalost, paket je već rezervisana do kraja 2012.

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