
October 17, 2012

Roberto Cavalli home collection

"My Home Collection was born from my personal desire to share the optimism of my fashion with those who love me - says Roberto Cavalli -  from my creativity, my philosophy and my style in the world of home decoration. There is no difference between conceiving a fashion collection or a home collection. My lifestyle is always an encounter of passions".

" Moja kolekcija za kuću rođena je iz moje lične želje da podelim svoj optimizam prema modi sa onima koji me vole, rekao je Roberto Kavali - moja kreativnost, moja filozofija i moj stil u svetu dizajna enterijera.Nema razlike u koncipiranju modne kolekcije i kolekcije za dekoraciju enterijera. Moj životni stil je uvek sukob strasti."

The collection Roberto Cavalli Home takes its inspiration from iconic engravings and patterns that symbolise the brand, and range from animal print to paisley and are an expression of a great eye for details. 

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