
October 31, 2012

St. Regis, Tianjin Presidential Suite

Tianjin is a metropolis in northern China and one of the five national central cities of the People's Republic of China.

Tianjn je metropola u severnom delu Kine, i jedan od pet nacionalnih centralnih gradova u Narodnoj Republici Kini.

The Presidential Suite of St Regis promises to reflect the best the hotel has to offer to its esteemed guests. The hotel has already created a record of sorts as it is the only hotel in Tianjin to offer full butler service. This has revolutionized the way hotels work in the country.

Predsednički apartman "St Regis" predstavlja sve ono najbolje što jedan luksuzni hotel ima da ponudi svojim uvaženim gostima. Hotel je već ostvario rekord jer je jedini hotel u Tianjinu koji pruža kompletnu "Batler" uslugu . To je revolucija u načinu na koji rade hoteli u zemlji.

The Presidential Suite is huge and spreads over 450 sq m. The views from the rooms are simply stunning and guests can have a clear view of the Hai River and Tianjin Eye.

Predsednički apartman je ogroman i prostirese na preko 450 kvadratnih metara. Pogledi iz sobe su jednostavno zadivljujući, a gosti imaju jasan pogled na reku i Hai Tianjin Eie.

 St. Regis livingroom

The St. Regis Tianjin will offer a world of distinctive epicurean experiences.

Regis Tianjin će Vam ponuditi svet karakterističnog epikurejskog iskustava.

Spa at the St. Regis

St. Regis Presidential Suite bathroom

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow, these are such incredible photos! I hope to visit China some day =D I've only been to Korea =D I'm your newest follower via google (114) and bloglovin! I'd really love it if you could check out my blog and follow back?

    can't wait to see more!
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