
October 10, 2012

Monastery Turned Luxury Hotel on the Amalfi Coast | Monastero Santa Rosa

When you think of a monastery turned into a hotel, you might think Spartan rooms with nothing on the walls, hard mattresses, and cold floors—basically the last place you’d want to be unless you’re a bargain-hunting backpacker. But lately, the trend is to convert these historic properties into luxury hotels that are anything but Spartan.

Kada zamišljate o manastir pretvoren u hotel, možda zamišljate spartanske sobe sa praznim zidovima, tvrdim dušecima, i hladnim podovima, u suštini poslednje mesto na kojem bi želeli da budete, osim ako putujete sa rancem na leđima i tražite jeftina prenoćišta. Ali u poslednje vreme, trend je da se ove istorijske osobine kombinuju sa luksuznim hotelima koji su sve samo ne Spartanske.

Monastero is located in a tiny village called Conca dei Marini, in Italy,  providing you with a lavish but isolated place to sleep, lounge, swim, and eat. If you get tired of the solitude, though, you’re just ten minutes by car from the hub that is the town of Amalfi—an excellent jumping off point for visiting the rest of the Coast.

Manastir se nalazi u malom selu Conca dei Marini, u Italiji, i pruža vam raskošno ali izolovano mesto za noćenje, dnevni boravak, uživanje u bazenu i hrani. Ako ste umorni od samoće, na samo deset minuta kolima je grad Amalfi-odlična početna tačka za posetu ostatku obale.

Landscaped with white rocks and fragrant flowers, there’s a hot tub and large infinity pool at the cliff’s edge on the lowest level. With so few guests at the boutique property, you can lounge in near seclusion on one of the many chairs or cushioned day beds strewn throughout the four tiers.

Terasa uređena sa belim stenama i mirisnim cvetovima, ima đakuzi i veliki bazen  na ivici litice na najnižem nivou. Sa tako malo gostiju, možete uživati u osami na jednoj od mnogih stolica  ili elastičnim krevetima postavljenim širom na sva četiri nivoa.

The nuns in the original monastery were sequestered (not allowed to see people from the outside world), and you can still see the evidence of this in the hotel’s office where there’s a window grate that allowed the nuns to speak to outsiders without being seen.

Monahinje u originalnom manastira su bile  izolovane (nije im bilo dozvoljeno da vide ljude iz spoljnog sveta), i još uvek možete videti dokaze ovoga u kancelariji hotelskoj, tamo gde je prozor, rešetku koja je omogućila monahinjama da razgovaraju sa strancima bez da budu viđene.

The spa at Monastero Santa Rosa is state-of-the-art, and the products used are derived from 17th century formulas created by Dominican monks.

Spa centar u Monastero Santa Rosa je pravo umetničko delo, a proizvodi koji se koriste su izvedeni iz 17. veka, formula nastala od Dominikanskoj monaha.

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