
August 1, 2012

Live like a Mad Men

“Remember Don … when God closes a door, he opens a dress.” ~ Roger Sterling

I don't know about you but I was (still Im) hooked on the American drama series Mad Men and it's not only for easy-on-the eye lead character Don Draper and fantastic fashion. Mad Men has received critical acclaim, particularly for its historical authenticity, visual style, costume design, acting, writing, and directing, and has won multiple awards, including fifteen Emmys and four Golden Globes. Its one of the most fashionable shows to ever grace television.

Ne znam za vas, ali ja sam navučena na američku seriju Mad Men, i to ne samo zbog Dona Drejpera (Jon Hamm) glavnog glumca i mode. Med Men je dobio priznanje posebno za istorisku autentičnost, vizielni stil, kostimografiju, glumu, scenario i režiju, a osvojio je i više nagrada uključujući 15 Emija i 4 Zlatna Globusa. Može se reći da je jedna od najstilizovanijih TV serija ikad.

Mad Men is set in the 1960s, initially at the fictional Sterling Cooper advertising agency on Madison Avenue in New York City. They lived a life i say! Its American society and culture of the 1960s highlighting cigarette smoking, drinking, sexism, feminism, adultery, homophobia, and racism.. With no great health resolutions and no morality impact, thay lived every day like its last.

Radnja serije je smeštena u '60-te, u izmišljenu Sterling Cooper agenciju na MAdison Aveniji u Nju Jorku. Oni su znali da žive život! Američko društvo i kultura '60 tih sa naglaskom na konzumiranje cigareta, alkohol, sex, feminizam, preljubu, homo fobiju i rasizam. Bez velikih zdravstvenih rezolucija i bez napada morala, živeli su svaki dan kao da je poslednji.

Mad Man deco design

The retro decor from New York in the 60s complements many of today's furnishings. 

Retro dekor u seriji iz Nju Jorka u 60-tim, u mnogome dopunjuje danasnji namestaj.

Mad Men Style

The craze for retro interior has been around for many years, but it’s been given a huge boost by the Mad Men series. It’s the Fifties to the early Sixties settings which are giving us interior inspiration for today’s spaces.

Ever since the TV show Mad Men emerged in 2008, the unmistakably American Mid-Century-Modern look has tapped into our love of all things vintage.

From both graphic and floral wallpapers to tufted pieces to earthy colors Mad Men has a special charm to it, something that will take you to that era and you’ll end up digging retro interiors like never before. Mad Men design ranges from the 1950s style to sleek 60s modernism. From cool James Bond-style leather chairs to Tiki-inspired drinks cabinets. Get the look with these retro furniture finds and Mad Men decorating tips.

I’ve loved the Scandinavian-meets-American mid-century style.

Images via: purodeco, homedpot, hautekhuuture, cloth coupons, lux magazine

Mad Man: Fashion vintage look 

Mad Man Adds today

An incredible set of ads designed in the Mad Men vintage style for modern social media companies

1 comment:

  1. Love this post, great decor finds, Mad Men is the best!
    i am following you now, come by, follow back if you like,xxx
