
February 3, 2014

Romantic Yin Yang Couple Bath

A couple’s time to spend together becomes more and more precious. Common treatments are thus in great demand – the tendency for couple treatments is proving this very clearly. We all know that the time you spend with your significant other is precious and that every moment counts. But comfort and relaxation are both, essential. Yin Yang bathtub is something you don’t get to use everyday. 

First, it’s super expensive. It costs $55,000 and  you can get more info about it from here . Second, it keeps you away from your love. If these make you say: “Nope, not for me” then what could possibly make you change your mind? Let’s start with this: it provides you just the right amount of intimacy (the “you space”) while allowing you to enjoy the company of your honey-bunny.

Couple Tub Yin Yang received an award at the "GOLDEN WAVE 2013"
There appear many new products - only few of them do enrich the market sustainably. For this reason the "Schwimmbad & Sauna", europes largest Pool & Spa magazine, awards a prize for groundbreaking developments in this field with the "GOLDEN WAVE". The Trautwein couple tub Yin Yang received a prize at the award presentation ceremony in the category "Whirlpool & Swimspas".

A particularly profound experience of well-being is created by the integrated soundwave massage. The bathing guests are bathing directly in the loudspeaker, enjoying the excellent sound quality and feeling the musical vibrations in every fibre of their body. Regenerating colour light in all rainbow colours is envelopping the bather’s body.

The Yin Yang is providing massage for two bathing guests with 120 water and air nozzles. Most finely whirling air and water swirls of the surge bath bring about relaxation, recovery and new power. The air is admixed incomparably intensely through the Hydroxeur® principle and stays stored in the water for minutes (champagne effect).

The Yin Yang couple bath is delivered with a special frame for tiling, which can be adapted on site and be cladded for ex. with ceramics or wood. In this manner, the couple tub can be arranged individually and be adapted perfectly to the premises in the Wellness area.

This new bath tub offers in the Wellness area the possibility of bathing together, yet separately. The form of the tub is reminiscent of the Chinese symbol Yin and Yang, which expresses the constant change of the opposites. The tub edge is drawn down in the middle so that the common bathing experience can be intensified.

Each bather has her/his own bathing water. Temperature, bathing additives and the colour of the light can be chosen individually. Also in terms of hygiene, the separation of the bathing water is an optimal solution. If a single person books a bath, only half of the water quantity is needed.

In public areas, importance should be attached to safety. Two tub handles are optionally available for the Yin Yang couple tub, which should provide additional security. The tub shorteners moulded into the tub make sure that also shorter persons can enjoy a relaxing bath without having to bother about safety. Taller bathing guests will certainly appreciate the generous depth of the tub!

Four integrated high-performance colour spots per tub body create an atmospheric colour light on the bathing water – you can have alternating rainbow colours all over the water. The colour light spots are incorporated hygienically smooth and seamless in the tub body. The licensed couple tub – made of one jointless piece with two bathing hollows – meets all hygienic requirements.

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