
January 4, 2014

The $500 mil flying palace: Inside the World’s Most Luxurious and Expensive Private Jet

Imagine an aircraft specifically designed in accordance with your own requirements and needs. Imagine luxury and design of a private jet that can be compared to a palace...  Airbus 380 is exactly that "Flying Palace". Now imagine having all that to yourself! That’s exactly what Soudi Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal  did when he asked for his custom model worth over $500 million.

We take you inside the World’s Most Luxurious and Expensive Private Jet!

Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud has had enough of his Boeing 747 and he has chosen to upgrade – To the Airbus 380, which is  the world’s largest passenger airliner.

The A380, double-deck plane is the world’s largest commercial plane which flying today, it has a total capacity of 525 people in  a comfortable three-class configuration and 850 in a single-class configuration which provides a better travel.

The A380 allows airlines to grow their markets, control market share and, consequently, fares – ensuring they own the sky.

The Airbus A380 has been involved in one aviation accident on 4 November 2010 en route from Shanghai (China) to Sydney (Australia) when one of the engines had a problem resulting in a series of related problems, and forcing the flight to return to Singapore. There were no injuries to the passengers, crew or people on the ground.

So what do you get in an aircraft that costs you the world?

In a space normally given to 600 passengers, the owner and his guests will enjoy five-star treatment from the moment of arrival.

After driving up to his plane, he will have the car parked in the onboard garage.

A lift drops to the tarmac and a red carpet unfurls, with downlights to 'give the impression of turning up at the Oscars', according to Design Q's co-founder Gary Doy. The belly of the A380 has been turned into a relaxation zone, including a Turkish bath lined with marble only two millimetres thick to keep the weight down.

Next door is a wellbeing room, with the floor and walls turned into a giant screen showing the ground down below. Guests can stand on a 'magic carpet' and watch the journey, a scented breeze blowing into the room.

If work really is unavoidable, the boardroom is on hand with iTouch screens and live share prices projected on to the tables. For conference calls, a business partner on the ground can be virtually projected on to the table to 'join' a meeting.

The five suites which form the owner's private quarters have king- size beds, entertainment systems and a prayer room featuring computergenerated prayer mats which always face Mecca. A lift shuttles between the plane's three floors, from the private quarters upstairs, down to the concert hall, featuring a baby grand piano and seating for ten, and to the garage below.

There are around 20 'sleepers' - the equivalent of First Class seats - for extra guests. According to the designers, the style is elegant curves and swirls of Arabic writing.

Mr Doy added: 'It is something very, very special and there is nothing like it on the market yet.
'There is everything a billionaire could want.

'We are not trying to put a hotel in the air, it is tailored to the needs of flying, and has unique features which fit into that. The Turkish bath is particularly spectacular, a steam room with marble, low lights and lots of spa treatments to choose from.'

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