
November 3, 2013

Press the Button for the perfect glass of Baileys Chocolate Luxe!

The Rube Goldberg machine serves out the perfect glass of Baileys Chocolate Luxe... When you have something as exquisite as the new Baileys Chocolat Luxe, the company’s latest decadent mixture of the Irish whiskey, cream and Belgian chocolate, you need something befitting to serve it with – like the massive Rube Goldberg Machine that pours the perfect blend of Baileys, chocolate and ice, in its latest advertising campaign.

For the uninitiated, the Rube Goldberg Machine is a contraption that makes a simple task into an overcomplicated, mechanical yet magical process, using a system of pulleys and chains. The contraption filmed in the advertisement is entirely real, and there is no CGI used throughout the spot making it even more spectacular. 

The advertisement is created for Bailey’s by digital agency R/GA London. Simply irresistible!

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