
November 23, 2013

Luxury Beachfront Home – Albatross, Australia

This luxury home in Queensland adjoins an extensive park to the south and absolute beachfront to the east. The residence successfully achieves its own oasis, by capturing beachfront vista and access whilst maintaining a private yet expansive pool and entertaining core. The contemporary Australian property is designed to accommodate a growing family, multiple guests and frequent entertaining.

Entry to the residence is via a recycled timber colonnade and gatehouse that grants covered access to both wings of the house. The street front facing wing accommodates guests generously with their own living area, kitchen and bathroom amenities, with a secondary stair linking to the main media, bar and games room below.

A wide glazed hallway wraps the central courtyard on both the ground and first floor giving scenic circulation past the main amenities whilst providing aesthetic flow, travelling the timber stair. Privacy is ensured and natural light is made abundant as the open tread stair is backlight entirely by opaque glazing. The centralised amenities assist easy access and circulation to ensure a well functioning home. Louvred glazing has been utilised throughout the home to control ventilation by natural breezes.

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