
June 14, 2013

A seven night tour with Johnnie Walker

Still haven’t thought of a gift for your father? The online luxury spirits retailer, Alexander & James presents you with a truly unique option; and if your father happens to be a whiskey aficionado, then you must read further.

He who loves his drink will certainly love what spirits retailers Alexander & James have to offer. At a very hefty price tag ($188,000), you can sign up your dad for a seven day experiential trip that will give him the opportunity to create his own signature Johnnie Walker blend, under the able guidance of Jim Beveridge, creator of the iconic Johnnie Walker Double Black. From visiting the brand’s vaults, to touring various destinations, here’s a present your dad will never forget.

Fathers will be taken on a personalized journey, discovering their individual whisky preferences as well as venturing behind the scenes to some of the world’s rarest whisky vaults to truly explore the heritage of whisky creation. The blend created by the fathers will be of exceptional quality and distinctive flavor, tailor made to suit your father’s preferences, along with a unique bottling style and whiskey decanter, further finished with a hallmark of the family signature and vaulted in the Home of Johnnie Walker in Scotland. This is not it, there’s more to tour. The seven nights first class trip also includes visits to the famous hotspots in China, inclusive of the Great Wall of China, tour of the Terracotta Warriors and Horses, a visit to the original Johnnie Walker House in Shanghai, golf (of course), The Tang Dynasty Show and a late night jaunt to one of world’s finest cigar bars in Xian. Luxury accommodation will be provided throughout with private transfers and first class flights – an end-to-end white glove service, all for £120,000 ($188,000).

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