
August 22, 2012

GEORG JENSEN... Jewelry as a symbol of love

With a history that spans more than 100 years, the Georg Jensen brand represents quality craftsmanship and timeless aesthetic design, producing lifestyle products ranging from hollowware to watches, jewellery and home products.

Georg Jensen represents quality craftsmanship and timeless aesthetic design, from hollowware to watches, jewellery and home products. The range includes beautiful watches (including the famous Torun watch), simple earrings, cufflinks, bracelets and brooches. All designed with the essence of Georg Jensen in mind.

The Magic Ring

The Magic ring is a spiral design which is able to be worn on its own or with a plain comfort style band that interlocks into the spiral.

The Fusion Ring

Available in white gold, platinum rose gold and yellow gold, each ring consists of two “end rings” and an optional number of “middle rings”.

A popular option is to choose the end rings as an engagement ring and slot a middle ring in for the wedding ring. 

You might add to it again at the birth of your first child or add an extra piece as an eternity ring.


The Watches

One of the most iconic watch design classics in the Georg Jensen watch collection is the Vivianna bangle watch.                                 

"I wanted to free people form the slavery of time, I wanted to make a watch which reminded one that life is here and now, so I created a watch with a mirror face, no numbers and a simple second hand. "

Vivianna T. Bülow-Hübe

The watch is open ended to symbolize that time should not bind us, and the dial like a mirror reminds us that life is now.

Jensen Home

The philosophy of Georg Jensen himself was to create democratic designs possessing both functionality and beauty.


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  2. a true contemporary classics!
