August 29, 2012
August 24, 2012
Goodbye Maybach...
...“to create only the very
best from the very best” - Wilhelm
This is a goodbye story for one and only haute sports car - Majbach.
If you are prospective Maybach buyer, the clock is ticking for you. After almost a decade of not turning a profit, Daimler announced that production of Maybach will cease by 2013.
August 22, 2012
GEORG JENSEN... Jewelry as a symbol of love
With a history that spans more than 100 years, the Georg Jensen brand represents quality craftsmanship and timeless aesthetic design, producing lifestyle products ranging from hollowware to watches, jewellery and home products.
Georg Jensen represents quality craftsmanship and timeless aesthetic design, from hollowware to watches, jewellery and home products. The range includes beautiful watches (including the famous Torun watch), simple earrings, cufflinks, bracelets and brooches. All designed with the essence of Georg Jensen in mind.
Georg Jensen represents quality craftsmanship and timeless aesthetic design, from hollowware to watches, jewellery and home products. The range includes beautiful watches (including the famous Torun watch), simple earrings, cufflinks, bracelets and brooches. All designed with the essence of Georg Jensen in mind.

Room With a View
When you’re staying in the hotel, of course you would prefer a hotel not only with a comfortable room but also a beautiful views from outside the hotel right? That would be awesome and relaxing while staying that kind of hotel.
You have probably seen many web pages and blogs about best hotel views. As I was checking almoust all of them (blogs and pages) have same hotels to show. I dont want to dispute them, but I would love to add some of the places and hotels that are less famous, but not less beautiful.
Check it out!
August 21, 2012
Frey Wille is Austrian family ownedFrey Wille company Frey Willewith offices worldwide and headquarters in Vienna. I am not usually a fan of luxury jewelery but I fell in love with Frey Wille instantly.
According to their own website, the artists of the company take inspirations from the surrounding world and the variety of cultures. But many of their pieces are tribute to great painters and architects such as Monet, Klimt or Hundertwasser.
According to their own website, the artists of the company take inspirations from the surrounding world and the variety of cultures. But many of their pieces are tribute to great painters and architects such as Monet, Klimt or Hundertwasser.
August 10, 2012
August 8, 2012
Money can’t buy happiness, but its better to cry in a Lamborghini
Price: $1.5 million
Generally women are overwhelmed with two types of gifts, one is jewelry and other is chocolate. But, if the chocolate box costs 1.5 million, the later is a better choice. Yes, a chocolate box that has been designed by well known Simons Jewelers has two together to make the ultimate gift with their Le Chocolate collection. The chocolate box has an assorted chocolate from Lake Forest Confections decorated with an arrangement of hi-end jewelry. The collection of jewelry includes necklaces, earrings, rings and bracelets decked with yellow and blue diamonds, emeralds, and sapphires.
Generalno žene se najviše oduševljavaju poklonima u vidu nakita i čokolade. Ali ako kutija čokolade košta 1.5 miliona dolara, čokolada je bolji izbor. Da, kutija čokolade koju je dizajnirala poznata zlatara Simon Jewelers, sadrži dva poklona u jednom. Kutija sadrži odabrane čokolade iz Lake Forest kolekcije, dekorisane sa najkvalitetnijim nakitom. Kolekcija nakita sastoji se od ogrlice, minđuša, prstenja i narukvice koje su ukrašene žutim i plavim dijamantima, emeraldima i safirima.
August 6, 2012
August 1, 2012
Oscar Backstage Lounge
The 84th Annual Academy Awards was held in Los Angeles and for the tenth year in a row, Architectural Digest produced the ceremony’s greenroom for presenters and honorees to relax in style. Here’s a look at this year and the past eight years of Green Rooms ...
Ovo je 10. godina kako se u Los Anđelesu održava tradicionalna manifestacija dodele Oskara.Kao
Waldo Fernandez, AD100 interior designer, was selected to create the backstage lounge for the event and went with an old Hollywood theme featuring relaxed, elegant and festive tones throughout the room.
Ovo je 10. godina kako se u Los Anđelesu održava tradicionalna manifestacija dodele Oskara.Kao
Waldo Fernandez, AD100 interior designer, was selected to create the backstage lounge for the event and went with an old Hollywood theme featuring relaxed, elegant and festive tones throughout the room.
Designed by Waldo Fernandez. The bookcase featured different film clips made into covers for the books |
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Inspired by 1930s and ‘40s Hollywood, the exclusive backstage
lounge at the 2012 Oscars is as glamorous as the stars on the red
carpet. |
Live like a Mad Men
“Remember Don …
when God closes a door, he opens a dress.” ~ Roger Sterling
I don't know about you but I was (still Im) hooked on the American drama series Mad Men and it's not only for easy-on-the eye lead character Don Draper and fantastic fashion. Mad Men has received critical acclaim, particularly for its historical authenticity, visual style, costume design, acting, writing, and directing, and has won multiple awards, including fifteen Emmys and four Golden Globes. Its one of the most fashionable shows to ever grace television.
Ne znam za vas, ali ja sam navučena na američku seriju Mad Men, i to ne samo zbog Dona Drejpera (Jon Hamm) glavnog glumca i mode. Med Men je dobio priznanje posebno za istorisku autentičnost, vizielni stil, kostimografiju, glumu, scenario i režiju, a osvojio je i više nagrada uključujući 15 Emija i 4 Zlatna Globusa. Može se reći da je jedna od najstilizovanijih TV serija ikad.
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