Luxury cruise line Crystal Cruises has announced their intent to take their passengers off-the-beaten-path during their Mediterranean Cruise season. Aside from the usual destinations, Crystal ships will, for the first time, be making stops in Canakkale, Turkey; La Spezia, Italy; and Castellón de la Plana, Spain.
November 30, 2012
Luxury Crystal Cruises in 2013
Luxury cruise line Crystal Cruises has announced their intent to take their passengers off-the-beaten-path during their Mediterranean Cruise season. Aside from the usual destinations, Crystal ships will, for the first time, be making stops in Canakkale, Turkey; La Spezia, Italy; and Castellón de la Plana, Spain.
Luxury cruise line Crystal Cruises has announced their intent to take their passengers off-the-beaten-path during their Mediterranean Cruise season. Aside from the usual destinations, Crystal ships will, for the first time, be making stops in Canakkale, Turkey; La Spezia, Italy; and Castellón de la Plana, Spain.
Luxury cruise line Crystal Cruises has announced their intent to take their passengers off-the-beaten-path during their Mediterranean Cruise season. Aside from the usual destinations, Crystal ships will, for the first time, be making stops in Canakkale, Turkey; La Spezia, Italy; and Castellón de la Plana, Spain.
October 31, 2012
St. Regis, Tianjin Presidential Suite
Tianjin is a metropolis in northern China and one of the five national central cities of the People's Republic of China.
Tianjn je metropola u severnom delu Kine, i jedan od pet nacionalnih centralnih gradova u Narodnoj Republici Kini.
The Presidential Suite of St Regis promises to reflect the best the hotel has to offer to its esteemed guests. The hotel has already created a record of sorts as it is the only hotel in Tianjin to offer full butler service. This has revolutionized the way hotels work in the country.
Predsednički apartman "St Regis" predstavlja sve ono najbolje što jedan luksuzni hotel ima da ponudi svojim uvaženim gostima. Hotel je već ostvario rekord jer je jedini hotel u Tianjinu koji pruža kompletnu "Batler" uslugu . To je revolucija u načinu na koji rade hoteli u zemlji.
Tianjn je metropola u severnom delu Kine, i jedan od pet nacionalnih centralnih gradova u Narodnoj Republici Kini.
The Presidential Suite of St Regis promises to reflect the best the hotel has to offer to its esteemed guests. The hotel has already created a record of sorts as it is the only hotel in Tianjin to offer full butler service. This has revolutionized the way hotels work in the country.
Predsednički apartman "St Regis" predstavlja sve ono najbolje što jedan luksuzni hotel ima da ponudi svojim uvaženim gostima. Hotel je već ostvario rekord jer je jedini hotel u Tianjinu koji pruža kompletnu "Batler" uslugu . To je revolucija u načinu na koji rade hoteli u zemlji.
October 22, 2012
Branded Kids 2012/13 Fall/Winter Collections
High designer fashion isn’t just for adults anymore. Many top fashion
houses today are offering distinctive children’s lines. If your kids are
stylish, check out these latest designers fashions for the young one’s…
Visoka moda dizajnera nije više samo za odrasle . Mnoge top modne kuće danas nude linije za decu. Ako želite da vaša deca butu stilizovana i obučena po posdlenjim modnim trendovima , pogledajte šta ove jeseni predlažu svetski modni dizajneri ...
Visoka moda dizajnera nije više samo za odrasle . Mnoge top modne kuće danas nude linije za decu. Ako želite da vaša deca butu stilizovana i obučena po posdlenjim modnim trendovima , pogledajte šta ove jeseni predlažu svetski modni dizajneri ...
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Dolce-Gabbana-Bambino girls |
October 18, 2012
Branded Luxury Accessories
Los Angeles-based artist Andrew Lewicki designed a decadent breakfast machine that embosses waffles with the iconic LV logo. But unfortunately the actual contraption isn't in production.
Check out Lewicki's Louis Vuitton waffle maker. Would you buy it?
Check out Lewicki's Louis Vuitton waffle maker. Would you buy it?
October 17, 2012
Roberto Cavalli home collection
"My Home Collection was born from my personal desire to share the optimism of my fashion with those who love me - says Roberto Cavalli
- from my creativity, my philosophy and my style in the world of home
decoration. There is no difference between conceiving a fashion
collection or a home collection. My lifestyle is always an encounter of
" Moja kolekcija za kuću rođena je iz moje lične želje da podelim svoj optimizam prema modi sa onima koji me vole, rekao je Roberto Kavali - moja kreativnost, moja filozofija i moj stil u svetu dizajna enterijera.Nema razlike u koncipiranju modne kolekcije i kolekcije za dekoraciju enterijera. Moj životni stil je uvek sukob strasti."
" Moja kolekcija za kuću rođena je iz moje lične želje da podelim svoj optimizam prema modi sa onima koji me vole, rekao je Roberto Kavali - moja kreativnost, moja filozofija i moj stil u svetu dizajna enterijera.Nema razlike u koncipiranju modne kolekcije i kolekcije za dekoraciju enterijera. Moj životni stil je uvek sukob strasti."
Choosing Color for Furniture and Accessories
Color coordinating stands as one of the most challenging aspects of home decorating. Take time to look through books and websites on interior decorating and reflect on homes that impress you. Though it may seem daunting, learning to coordinate the colors of walls, carpet and furniture for the home comes down to following the same guidelines that designers and decorators use to create effective color schemes.
Koordinacija boja je jedan od najizazovnijih aspekata u dekorisanju životnog prostora. Odvojte vreme da pogledate kroz razne časopise i sajtove o uredjenju enterijera i razmišljajte o kućama i stanovima koja vas impresioniraju. Iako to može da izgleda zastrašujuće, učenje o bojama zidova, tepiha i nameštaja za dom svodi na iste smernice koje dizajneri i dekorateri koriste za stvaranje efikasne šeme boja.
October 15, 2012
The new Bentley Suite – St. Regis Hotel New York
Starwood, owners of New York’s St. Regis Hotel, located right in the heart of Manhattan, have collaborated with Bentley to open up, provide and design a Bentley Suiteto anyone who can afford it.
Starvud, vlasnici njujorškog St Regis hotela, smeštenog u samom srcu Menhetna, sarađivali su sa Bentli kompanijom na otvaranju i dizajnu Bentlei Apartmana namenjenog svakome ko može da ga priušti.
Starvud, vlasnici njujorškog St Regis hotela, smeštenog u samom srcu Menhetna, sarađivali su sa Bentli kompanijom na otvaranju i dizajnu Bentlei Apartmana namenjenog svakome ko može da ga priušti.
October 13, 2012
The perfection of Baccarat
Many of you are aware of places designed by big names to hype them up, and the Baccarat Cristal Room, decorated by French design demi-god Philippe Starck is certanly one of them.
The building is 3000m² entirely conceived/relooked by Philippe Starck, design genius (for me), pompous and overhyped for others. The décor is typical Starck, a mix of quirky down-to-earth (exposed brick, sickly pink cushions, blackboard with graffiti) and opulent. Aldo Philippe Starck preserved the original design, he also added his signature modern touches.
The building is 3000m² entirely conceived/relooked by Philippe Starck, design genius (for me), pompous and overhyped for others. The décor is typical Starck, a mix of quirky down-to-earth (exposed brick, sickly pink cushions, blackboard with graffiti) and opulent. Aldo Philippe Starck preserved the original design, he also added his signature modern touches.
October 12, 2012
Black is Back | DKNY's Sophisticated Bedding Collections
When it comes to home décor, color sometimes makes all the difference between a boring space and something lively and exciting. Instead of opting for the usual calming cream colors and soft blues for your bedroom, why not take a chance and decorate your bed in a dangerous black? DYNK's new Harmony and City Silk Bedding Collections reflect a sleek fashion statement using modern textures, like the diamond stitch pattern.
Kada je u pitanju kućni dekor, izbor boja ponekad čini razliku između dosadnog prostora i nečeg živog i uzbudljivog. Umesto da se opredelite za uobičajene umirujuce krem boje za vašu spavaću sobu, zašto ne iskoristite priliku i ukrasite svoj krevet u opasnom crnom? DINK novi "Harmonija i Grad" kolekcije Svilenih Posteljina odražavaju elegantan modni stil koristeći moderne teksture, poput obrazca dijamanata.
Kada je u pitanju kućni dekor, izbor boja ponekad čini razliku između dosadnog prostora i nečeg živog i uzbudljivog. Umesto da se opredelite za uobičajene umirujuce krem boje za vašu spavaću sobu, zašto ne iskoristite priliku i ukrasite svoj krevet u opasnom crnom? DINK novi "Harmonija i Grad" kolekcije Svilenih Posteljina odražavaju elegantan modni stil koristeći moderne teksture, poput obrazca dijamanata.
October 10, 2012
Monastery Turned Luxury Hotel on the Amalfi Coast | Monastero Santa Rosa
When you think of a monastery turned into a hotel, you might think
Spartan rooms with nothing on the walls, hard mattresses, and cold
floors—basically the last place you’d want to be unless you’re a
bargain-hunting backpacker. But lately, the trend is to convert these
historic properties into luxury hotels that are anything but Spartan.
Kada zamišljate o manastir pretvoren u hotel, možda zamišljate spartanske sobe sa praznim zidovima, tvrdim dušecima, i hladnim podovima, u suštini poslednje mesto na kojem bi želeli da budete, osim ako putujete sa rancem na leđima i tražite jeftina prenoćišta. Ali u poslednje vreme, trend je da se ove istorijske osobine kombinuju sa luksuznim hotelima koji su sve samo ne Spartanske.
Kada zamišljate o manastir pretvoren u hotel, možda zamišljate spartanske sobe sa praznim zidovima, tvrdim dušecima, i hladnim podovima, u suštini poslednje mesto na kojem bi želeli da budete, osim ako putujete sa rancem na leđima i tražite jeftina prenoćišta. Ali u poslednje vreme, trend je da se ove istorijske osobine kombinuju sa luksuznim hotelima koji su sve samo ne Spartanske.
October 6, 2012
September 30, 2012
World’s most expensive cheese
World’s most expensive cheese platter costs $3,200! The extravagant cheese platter features 8 cheese varieties including made-to-order Serbian donkey cheese, a goat’s cheese matured inside brown chestnut leaves, fancy gold-flecked cheddar and white French truffles. The most expensive cheese platter was showcased on a befitting silver tray amongst the best cheese from around the world.
Najskuplji tanjir sa sirom na svetu košta 3.200$! Ekstravagantni tanjir sa 8 različitih sireva, uključujući magareći sir koji se pravi po narudžbini, kozji sir koji "sazreva" unutar lešnikovog lišća, "fancy" čedar sir sa zlatnim listićima i beli Francuskisir sa tartufima. Ovaj luksuzni set sireva izložen je na srebrnom tanjiu u konkurenciji sa najboljim sirevima iz celog sveta.
Najskuplji tanjir sa sirom na svetu košta 3.200$! Ekstravagantni tanjir sa 8 različitih sireva, uključujući magareći sir koji se pravi po narudžbini, kozji sir koji "sazreva" unutar lešnikovog lišća, "fancy" čedar sir sa zlatnim listićima i beli Francuskisir sa tartufima. Ovaj luksuzni set sireva izložen je na srebrnom tanjiu u konkurenciji sa najboljim sirevima iz celog sveta.
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Most expensive cheese platter
September 25, 2012
Paris - Best Luxury Hotels
Four Seasons Hotel George V Paris new penthouse suite
Before the elevator was invented, building’s top floors were relegated to servants. But, everything changed when industrialist Elisha Otis debuted the lift in 1852. Real estate tycoons and luxury hoteliers realized that opulent and luxury living was up in the air, and they began commissioning rooftop residences and penthouse suites in the skyscrapers.
One such is the new penthouse suite introduced by Four Seasons Hotel George V Paris that gives 360-degree views of the City of Light in 160 square meter area of pure luxury.
Before the elevator was invented, building’s top floors were relegated to servants. But, everything changed when industrialist Elisha Otis debuted the lift in 1852. Real estate tycoons and luxury hoteliers realized that opulent and luxury living was up in the air, and they began commissioning rooftop residences and penthouse suites in the skyscrapers.
One such is the new penthouse suite introduced by Four Seasons Hotel George V Paris that gives 360-degree views of the City of Light in 160 square meter area of pure luxury.
September 20, 2012
Canvas Paintings
iako sam većinu tekstova na blogu pisala na engleskom jeziku, odlučila sam da ovu stranu posvetim isključivo našem govornom području, radi bolje komunikacije i vaših eventualnih pitanja i komentara.
Danas ću vam pisati o slikama na “Canvas” platnu i kako da sami izaberete motiv slike.
Zbog čega su slike na platnu toliko cenjene, i zbog čega ih ljudi toliko vole?
September 19, 2012
Luxury bathrooms ideas are not always identical with modern and contemporary bathroom interior décor. It might be in classic, country, modern, and contemporary.
The thing that commonly makes the bathroom looks luxurious is perfect layout, appropriate furniture and appliances election and arrangement. There are many bathroom interior décor inspiration ideas spread out in internet as some photos.
If you are looking for bathroom ideas, here I have laid out some great designs for you to choose from.
If you need some ideas for bathroom walls, read Bathroom Decals
The thing that commonly makes the bathroom looks luxurious is perfect layout, appropriate furniture and appliances election and arrangement. There are many bathroom interior décor inspiration ideas spread out in internet as some photos.
If you are looking for bathroom ideas, here I have laid out some great designs for you to choose from.
If you need some ideas for bathroom walls, read Bathroom Decals
September 18, 2012
50 Years of James Bond: The Auction
To celebrate the 50th anniversary of James Bond on film, Christie’s announces 50 Years of James Bond – The Auction which will present a unique opportunity to acquire a piece of Bond memorabilia direct from the archives of EON Productions as well as donations from the Bond cast.
"Christie", aukcijska kuća broj jedan u svetu, otvara on-lajn aukciju "50 godina Džems Bonda-Aukcija" koja predstavlja jedinstvenu mogućnost da postanete vlasnik jednog od predmeta Džejms Bonda, direktno iz arhive EON produkcije.
September 11, 2012
September 6, 2012
Celebrity Homes For Sale
So many of our favorite famous faces have been
putting their homes up for sale, giving you a chance to live like a
Hollywood star. Here's our favorites, from Mark Wahlberg's Beverly
Hill estate to Robin Williams' Napa country home, each one currently
still on the market and waiting to be snatched up.
September 4, 2012
Chat in Style
Most people enjoy having a quality cell phone, but they also recognize that cellular phones are a consumable good and will have to be replaced within in a few years. For this reason, people often do not purchase the most expensive cell phone when they purchase their mobile. Some, though, must have a costly mobile phone. The world’s most expensive cell phones were made to satisfy just that type of person.
August 29, 2012
August 24, 2012
Goodbye Maybach...
...“to create only the very
best from the very best” - Wilhelm
This is a goodbye story for one and only haute sports car - Majbach.
If you are prospective Maybach buyer, the clock is ticking for you. After almost a decade of not turning a profit, Daimler announced that production of Maybach will cease by 2013.
August 22, 2012
GEORG JENSEN... Jewelry as a symbol of love
With a history that spans more than 100 years, the Georg Jensen brand represents quality craftsmanship and timeless aesthetic design, producing lifestyle products ranging from hollowware to watches, jewellery and home products.
Georg Jensen represents quality craftsmanship and timeless aesthetic design, from hollowware to watches, jewellery and home products. The range includes beautiful watches (including the famous Torun watch), simple earrings, cufflinks, bracelets and brooches. All designed with the essence of Georg Jensen in mind.
Georg Jensen represents quality craftsmanship and timeless aesthetic design, from hollowware to watches, jewellery and home products. The range includes beautiful watches (including the famous Torun watch), simple earrings, cufflinks, bracelets and brooches. All designed with the essence of Georg Jensen in mind.

Room With a View
When you’re staying in the hotel, of course you would prefer a hotel not only with a comfortable room but also a beautiful views from outside the hotel right? That would be awesome and relaxing while staying that kind of hotel.
You have probably seen many web pages and blogs about best hotel views. As I was checking almoust all of them (blogs and pages) have same hotels to show. I dont want to dispute them, but I would love to add some of the places and hotels that are less famous, but not less beautiful.
Check it out!
August 21, 2012
Frey Wille is Austrian family ownedFrey Wille company Frey Willewith offices worldwide and headquarters in Vienna. I am not usually a fan of luxury jewelery but I fell in love with Frey Wille instantly.
According to their own website, the artists of the company take inspirations from the surrounding world and the variety of cultures. But many of their pieces are tribute to great painters and architects such as Monet, Klimt or Hundertwasser.
According to their own website, the artists of the company take inspirations from the surrounding world and the variety of cultures. But many of their pieces are tribute to great painters and architects such as Monet, Klimt or Hundertwasser.
August 10, 2012
August 8, 2012
Money can’t buy happiness, but its better to cry in a Lamborghini
Price: $1.5 million
Generally women are overwhelmed with two types of gifts, one is jewelry and other is chocolate. But, if the chocolate box costs 1.5 million, the later is a better choice. Yes, a chocolate box that has been designed by well known Simons Jewelers has two together to make the ultimate gift with their Le Chocolate collection. The chocolate box has an assorted chocolate from Lake Forest Confections decorated with an arrangement of hi-end jewelry. The collection of jewelry includes necklaces, earrings, rings and bracelets decked with yellow and blue diamonds, emeralds, and sapphires.
Generalno žene se najviše oduševljavaju poklonima u vidu nakita i čokolade. Ali ako kutija čokolade košta 1.5 miliona dolara, čokolada je bolji izbor. Da, kutija čokolade koju je dizajnirala poznata zlatara Simon Jewelers, sadrži dva poklona u jednom. Kutija sadrži odabrane čokolade iz Lake Forest kolekcije, dekorisane sa najkvalitetnijim nakitom. Kolekcija nakita sastoji se od ogrlice, minđuša, prstenja i narukvice koje su ukrašene žutim i plavim dijamantima, emeraldima i safirima.
August 6, 2012
August 1, 2012
Oscar Backstage Lounge
The 84th Annual Academy Awards was held in Los Angeles and for the tenth year in a row, Architectural Digest produced the ceremony’s greenroom for presenters and honorees to relax in style. Here’s a look at this year and the past eight years of Green Rooms ...
Ovo je 10. godina kako se u Los Anđelesu održava tradicionalna manifestacija dodele Oskara.Kao
Waldo Fernandez, AD100 interior designer, was selected to create the backstage lounge for the event and went with an old Hollywood theme featuring relaxed, elegant and festive tones throughout the room.
Ovo je 10. godina kako se u Los Anđelesu održava tradicionalna manifestacija dodele Oskara.Kao
Waldo Fernandez, AD100 interior designer, was selected to create the backstage lounge for the event and went with an old Hollywood theme featuring relaxed, elegant and festive tones throughout the room.
Designed by Waldo Fernandez. The bookcase featured different film clips made into covers for the books |
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Inspired by 1930s and ‘40s Hollywood, the exclusive backstage
lounge at the 2012 Oscars is as glamorous as the stars on the red
carpet. |
Live like a Mad Men
“Remember Don …
when God closes a door, he opens a dress.” ~ Roger Sterling
I don't know about you but I was (still Im) hooked on the American drama series Mad Men and it's not only for easy-on-the eye lead character Don Draper and fantastic fashion. Mad Men has received critical acclaim, particularly for its historical authenticity, visual style, costume design, acting, writing, and directing, and has won multiple awards, including fifteen Emmys and four Golden Globes. Its one of the most fashionable shows to ever grace television.
Ne znam za vas, ali ja sam navučena na američku seriju Mad Men, i to ne samo zbog Dona Drejpera (Jon Hamm) glavnog glumca i mode. Med Men je dobio priznanje posebno za istorisku autentičnost, vizielni stil, kostimografiju, glumu, scenario i režiju, a osvojio je i više nagrada uključujući 15 Emija i 4 Zlatna Globusa. Može se reći da je jedna od najstilizovanijih TV serija ikad.
July 31, 2012
For Long-Distance Relationships: A Kissing Robot That Sends Physical Kisses
How pathetic this is? Or maybe this is innovative? Is this more personal than a private social networking app for partners that allows users to use their thumbs to ‘kiss’?
Koliko je ovo patetično? Ili možda inovativno? Da li je više lično od aplikacije na društvenoj mreži koja dozvoljava korisnicima da koriste ikonice/sličice za poljupce?
Koliko je ovo patetično? Ili možda inovativno? Da li je više lično od aplikacije na društvenoj mreži koja dozvoljava korisnicima da koriste ikonice/sličice za poljupce?
July 29, 2012
Olympics fashion styles
Uniforms are worn by national teams at the opening ceremony
of this year's Olympic Games have created some of the world's most
famous designers, including Armani, Prada, Ralph Lauren, Stella
McCartney. Many in the fashion industry are already calling this the most stylish Olympics ever.
Uniforme koje su nacionalni timovi nosili na ceremoniji
otvaranja ovogodišnjih Olimpijskih igara kreirali su neki od najpoznatijih
svetskih dizajnera, među kojima Armani, Prada, Ralf Loren, Stela Makartni. Mnogi ljudi iz modne industrije nazvali su ovu olimpijadu "Olimpijada sa najviše stila ikada".
July 27, 2012
Ads vs. Reality – Fast Food
How many times you stayed amazed at the sight of some food decoration in some magazine or pictures? Did you ever wonder who’s in charge for all those beautiful food design? Is it chef or photographer and a bit of PhotoShop…? Well, there are people who are specialized for Food design, they are Food Stylists.
Koliko puta ste zanemeli (i ogladneli) pred slikom fenomenalno servirane hrane u nekom časopisu? Da li ste se ikada zapitali ko je odgovoran za sve te božanstvene dekoracije hrane? Da li sam kuvar ili je za to zaslužan fotograf i malo fotošopa? Pa ako niste znali za dekoraciju hrane za fotografisanje su zaslužni "Stilisti za hranu".
Did you ever feel hunger when you go by some fast food restaurant? Fast food usually plaster their walls with pictures of juicy burgers – often hanging right over your table – so you need only open your eyes to find something to compare your food with, while you eat it.
Da li osetite glad uvek kada prođete pored nekog kioska/restorana brze hrane? Oni obično oblepe svoje zidove slikama sočnih i velikih hamburgera - obično tik iznad vašeg stola - tako da samo treba da otvorite oči i uporedite vašu hranu koju ste dobili sa slikom.
Koliko puta ste zanemeli (i ogladneli) pred slikom fenomenalno servirane hrane u nekom časopisu? Da li ste se ikada zapitali ko je odgovoran za sve te božanstvene dekoracije hrane? Da li sam kuvar ili je za to zaslužan fotograf i malo fotošopa? Pa ako niste znali za dekoraciju hrane za fotografisanje su zaslužni "Stilisti za hranu".
Did you ever feel hunger when you go by some fast food restaurant? Fast food usually plaster their walls with pictures of juicy burgers – often hanging right over your table – so you need only open your eyes to find something to compare your food with, while you eat it.
Da li osetite glad uvek kada prođete pored nekog kioska/restorana brze hrane? Oni obično oblepe svoje zidove slikama sočnih i velikih hamburgera - obično tik iznad vašeg stola - tako da samo treba da otvorite oči i uporedite vašu hranu koju ste dobili sa slikom.
July 26, 2012
The Art of Window Displays
Summer - the most fascinating seasons of the year! Most stores and boutiques are redesigning their window display trying to make products “talk” to customers in an interesting and attracting way. Good window displays will enhance communication of the product, brand and image. Equally the window can trigger an emotional response, giving the customer a reason to enter the store.
Leto – najfascinantnije i nalepše godišnje doba! Većina prodavnica i butika redizajnira svoje izloge, pokušavajući da kroz njih ostvare što interesantniju i atraktivniju “komunikaciju“ za potencijalnim kupcima. Dobar izlog će poboljšati “komunikaciju“ proizvoda, brenda i slike, a isto tako izlog može da izazove emotivnu reakciju kod kupca dajući mu podstrek da uđe u radnju.
These creative window displays will stop anyone in their tracks. As a mix of art, fashion, design and marketing, they not only have to quickly grab our attention they must compel us to enter a store.
How wonderful is it, though, when your art comes to this?
Ovi kreativni izlozi će zaustaviti svakoga ko prođe pokraj njih. Kroz kombinaciju umetnosti, mode, dizajna i marketinga ne samo da moraju da brzo privuku našu pažnju, već da nas navedu da uđemo u radnju.
Kako je očaravajuće kad umetnost oživi?
Leto – najfascinantnije i nalepše godišnje doba! Većina prodavnica i butika redizajnira svoje izloge, pokušavajući da kroz njih ostvare što interesantniju i atraktivniju “komunikaciju“ za potencijalnim kupcima. Dobar izlog će poboljšati “komunikaciju“ proizvoda, brenda i slike, a isto tako izlog može da izazove emotivnu reakciju kod kupca dajući mu podstrek da uđe u radnju.
These creative window displays will stop anyone in their tracks. As a mix of art, fashion, design and marketing, they not only have to quickly grab our attention they must compel us to enter a store.
How wonderful is it, though, when your art comes to this?
Ovi kreativni izlozi će zaustaviti svakoga ko prođe pokraj njih. Kroz kombinaciju umetnosti, mode, dizajna i marketinga ne samo da moraju da brzo privuku našu pažnju, već da nas navedu da uđemo u radnju.
Kako je očaravajuće kad umetnost oživi?
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Louis Vuitton & Kusama windows, Hong Kong |
July 25, 2012
Play with the walls
There is many ways you can decorate your blank walls. All you need is some imagination and a litlle bit of skils, everything else you can find around you. All you have to do is look!
Postoji više načina kojima možete ukrasiti svoje prazne zidove. Sve što vam je potrebno je malo mašte, umeća i dobre volje, sve ostalo možete pronaći u vašem okruženju.
July 22, 2012
Color Psychology in Logo Design
Color in design is very subjective. What evokes one reaction in one person may evoke a very different reaction in somone else. Sometimes this is due to personal preference, and other times due to cultural background.
Studying how colors affect different people, either individually or as a group, is something some people build their careers on. Cultural differences mean that something that’s happy and uplifting in one country can be depressing in another.
Color offers an instantaneous method for conveying meaning and message in your logo designs. It’s probably the most powerful non-verbal form of communication we can use as designers. Our minds are programmed to respond to color…
Studying how colors affect different people, either individually or as a group, is something some people build their careers on. Cultural differences mean that something that’s happy and uplifting in one country can be depressing in another.
Color offers an instantaneous method for conveying meaning and message in your logo designs. It’s probably the most powerful non-verbal form of communication we can use as designers. Our minds are programmed to respond to color…
Color of the Food
Today, it’s all about colors. Color plays a vitally important role in
the world in which we live. Color can sway thinking, change actions, and
cause reactions. It can irritate or soothe your eyes, raise your blood
pressure or suppress your appetite.
Mealtime can be a form a art. The various colors of food all pack different nutrients. In one meal alone, you can create an array of color. For example at dinner, try grilling (pink) salmon with (green) spinach and (white) onion. Have that with a side of baked (orange) sweet potato and top everything with (red) salsa.
Color and the appeal of foods are also closely related. These learned associations may alter our perceptions and create expectations about how a food should smell and taste. The sight of food fires neurons in the hypothalamus. Thus making us convinced before a food is even tried.
Certain shades, tones & colors affect our moods and emotions. Some colors suppress our appetite (which makes them good for people who are counting calories), while other colors increase our breathing and heart rate.
Mealtime can be a form a art. The various colors of food all pack different nutrients. In one meal alone, you can create an array of color. For example at dinner, try grilling (pink) salmon with (green) spinach and (white) onion. Have that with a side of baked (orange) sweet potato and top everything with (red) salsa.
Color and the appeal of foods are also closely related. These learned associations may alter our perceptions and create expectations about how a food should smell and taste. The sight of food fires neurons in the hypothalamus. Thus making us convinced before a food is even tried.
Certain shades, tones & colors affect our moods and emotions. Some colors suppress our appetite (which makes them good for people who are counting calories), while other colors increase our breathing and heart rate.
A Colorful Dining Room - Her majesty RED
Dining room designs are often neglected when in the whole scheme of residential interior design. You can create a dining room that brings friends and family together in an elegant and inviting atmosphere and at the same time create a modern and unique room in the apartment.
Dining rooms not necessary need to be in light neutral colors. Totally unlike the neutral palettes that are more commonly used in modern interiors, the color of the walls in a red dining room will dominate and dictate the rest of the room’s interior design scheme.
This effect will be even more striking if white is used to highlight doorways windows, ceilings, plaster moldings and any other exciting structures in your gorgeous red dining room.
July 20, 2012
Bathroom Decals
Wall stickers… perfect decor for every room in apartment!
There are also tile decals decorations who can breathe life into any kitchen, bathroom, hallway, or any area that has tile. Undecorated, colorless tiles transformed with decals can enhance an entire room and make it feel welcoming.
Zidni stikeri... savrsena dekoracija za sve prostorije u stanu!
Osim stikera za zid, postoje i stikeri za pločice koji mogu da osveže pločice bilo da se nalaze u kuhinji, kupatilu ili hodniku. Stare, bezbojne pličice daće celoj prostoriji novu dimenziju i svežinu.
There are also tile decals decorations who can breathe life into any kitchen, bathroom, hallway, or any area that has tile. Undecorated, colorless tiles transformed with decals can enhance an entire room and make it feel welcoming.
Zidni stikeri... savrsena dekoracija za sve prostorije u stanu!
Osim stikera za zid, postoje i stikeri za pločice koji mogu da osveže pločice bilo da se nalaze u kuhinji, kupatilu ili hodniku. Stare, bezbojne pličice daće celoj prostoriji novu dimenziju i svežinu.
Most beautiful Belgrade salon
Panjkovic academy
You may be the greatest hairdresser in the world or have the most
talented team in the business, but if your salon decor isn't up to
scratch you are unlikely to get the recognition you deserve.
Opening a salon in prestigious location (such is Njegoseva street in Belgrade) means the results need to be high-end, high quality and beautiful.

July 18, 2012
My favorite places to shop and eat in Belgrade
I'm a Belgrade native. It's a rare species, i know, since most people in Belgrade are usually from somewhere else, and if they were from here originally, they tend to move elsewhere after a while.
I think most visitors don't know what Belgrade really is. But the secret to Belgrade is this, you have to explore it nook and cranny at a time. You shouldn't try to do Belgrade in one day. It is physically impossible. Spend on day in each area and you'll see how cool this city is, especially his night life!
I’ll show you some of my favorite places in Belgrade to eat, shop or just hang out.
Now I’ll concentrate on Belgrade most beautiful restaurants, with not just beautiful interior but great food also!
I think that I don’t have to write much about this particular restaurant, ill just say that food in this Italian restaurant is real match to his interior!
The flavor of the future
“Food design is designing a food product in terms of the context and environment in which it will ultimately be consumed. Food design also involves creating tools for eating food and services related to it, like the design of a dish: it encompasses all the rules of constituent, chromatic and formal rules in which food is presented on a plate,” explains Paolo Barichella, founder of the Food Design Studio in Milano.
Next food: interactive chocolate that can be surfed using your cell phone
All you need is a digital camera and an Internet connection to access an entire world of information contained on the chocolate bar itself.
June 19, 2012
Dear reader,
I am a graphic designer, and it’s been my bread n butter since 1998. I like doing design work, even if it’s not always so creative, and sometimes it’s just plain “physical work”… especially when use Photoshop for photo retouch and manipulations.
I’m starting this blog pages in order to help you understand the simplicity and beauty of Design in general. Here I will write down everything that interest me and have something to do with design. I’ll show you that design is in our homes, our cars, books, our clothes and accessories… food… in one word everywhere in life!
I do hope you will enjoy it!
My clients:
Airport Belgrade Catering
Panjkovic academy, Hairdresser academy
Vera Radanovic, VR designs
Hotel Splendid, Belgrade
Hotel Mr. President, Belgrade
Hotel Crystal, Belgrade
Pimp My Pc, Belgrade
Magic Night, Fashion Shows
Promo House, Promo Agency
Urban Body, Fitness Studio
Mr. Stefan Braun, Night Club
Con Lo Stile, Design agency
Vision, IT consulting
Sweet Land, Belgrade
Say YES magiazine, Wedding magazine
Office Super Store, Retail store
Lilien, Beauty salon
Orange, Beauty salon
Mediana, Research agency
TailorMade, PR and consulting agency
World Class Tennis Training, Tennis School
Superlab, Belgrade
Teodul, Construction factory Beograde
Dana Liquers, Organic food factory
Wellness and Travel, Travel agency
Dobrodolac Hotel, Kopaonik
and more....
Blog Rules:
This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. This blog accepts forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions or other forms of compensation.
The compensation received will never influence the content, topics or posts made in this blog. All advertising is in the form of advertisements generated by a third party ad network. Those advertisements will be identified as paid advertisements.
The owner of this blog is not compensated to provide opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely the blog owners. If we claim or appear to be experts on a certain topic or product or service area, we will only endorse products or services that we believe, based on our expertise, are worthy of such endorsement. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer or provider.
This blog does not contain any content which might present a conflict of interest.
Also if some of the photos on this blog is owned by you , do let us know so that we can acknowledge it, or if you object to it, we can remove it. If any copyright holder objects to their pictures being placed on this blog , it will be removed upon request. Any correction or more info on this Blog, will kindly be appreciated. If you come across something on this blog that you'd like to re-post, please link back to Design For Life. Thank you!
I am a graphic designer, and it’s been my bread n butter since 1998. I like doing design work, even if it’s not always so creative, and sometimes it’s just plain “physical work”… especially when use Photoshop for photo retouch and manipulations.
I’m starting this blog pages in order to help you understand the simplicity and beauty of Design in general. Here I will write down everything that interest me and have something to do with design. I’ll show you that design is in our homes, our cars, books, our clothes and accessories… food… in one word everywhere in life!
I do hope you will enjoy it!
My clients:
Airport Belgrade Catering
Panjkovic academy, Hairdresser academy
Vera Radanovic, VR designs
Hotel Splendid, Belgrade
Hotel Mr. President, Belgrade
Hotel Crystal, Belgrade
Pimp My Pc, Belgrade
Magic Night, Fashion Shows
Promo House, Promo Agency
Urban Body, Fitness Studio
Mr. Stefan Braun, Night Club
Con Lo Stile, Design agency
Vision, IT consulting
Sweet Land, Belgrade
Say YES magiazine, Wedding magazine
Office Super Store, Retail store
Lilien, Beauty salon
Orange, Beauty salon
Mediana, Research agency
TailorMade, PR and consulting agency
World Class Tennis Training, Tennis School
Superlab, Belgrade
Teodul, Construction factory Beograde
Dana Liquers, Organic food factory
Wellness and Travel, Travel agency
Dobrodolac Hotel, Kopaonik
and more....
This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. This blog accepts forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions or other forms of compensation.
The compensation received will never influence the content, topics or posts made in this blog. All advertising is in the form of advertisements generated by a third party ad network. Those advertisements will be identified as paid advertisements.
The owner of this blog is not compensated to provide opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely the blog owners. If we claim or appear to be experts on a certain topic or product or service area, we will only endorse products or services that we believe, based on our expertise, are worthy of such endorsement. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer or provider.
This blog does not contain any content which might present a conflict of interest.
Also if some of the photos on this blog is owned by you , do let us know so that we can acknowledge it, or if you object to it, we can remove it. If any copyright holder objects to their pictures being placed on this blog , it will be removed upon request. Any correction or more info on this Blog, will kindly be appreciated. If you come across something on this blog that you'd like to re-post, please link back to Design For Life. Thank you!
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